Skyland Town Hall Minutes
April 17, 2024
Donna Galloway opened the meeting with a devotion.
Kyle Addison presented an overview of the Board of Stewards.
Erin Brady (SPRC Working Team member) outlined an update on this year’s Pastoral Goals. Goals are taken from the church congregation from a survey.
Input from the gathered individuals:
- What are you concerned about at Skyland?
We have worship at 9 am and 11 am with time in between, could we use an extra 15 minutes to transition from small groups to meeting between services?
Suggested bringing back Sunday school.
Concerned about the lack of children, few kids limit the programming… not helpful for families.
9:30 Contemporary Worship start time was a suggestion to assist families.
Children’s Church / Sunday School expansion
Joe – Figure out a better way to engage kids and families.
VBS is a great event. How can we retain families with the programming and continue that momentum?
Overall scheduling for programs and services (Sun -am /pm and Wed). It was noted that not everyone will be happy, but it should be reviewed and decided what works best.
Concern about children’s program and need to offer more structured events and engage the kids/families we have as members.
- Buildings and facilities how are the buildings holding up?We are in maintenance mode with the church.What would we do as a church if the organ did not work?As we grow the first service, how do we make the fellowship hall more inviting?
Why can’t the first service meet in the sanctuary?
- What input do you have for Skyland leadership:Impressed with the BOS process and intention around allowing feedback from the congregation.Communication has improved: by Joe.
Empowering our groups/committees is happening.
- What are the top items of emphasis for the BOS and Pastors?Children and Family MeetingsKeep the town hall meeting consistent, as others become aware they may join
Send out a Survey.
Use live streaming for hybrid meetings, online and in person.
How do we grow and develop leadership here in the church?
Some leaders are aging out, creating concern.
Commitment sheets are part of the equation for finding backfills.
Is the colonnade welcoming?
Continue to look for ways to strengthen the church.
Use nametags for the next two combined services to help people get to know those in the other services.