Our Time
We did nothing to earn the hours, the days, the weeks of our lives.
Time is a gift of God.
How we choose to use it is a matter of stewardship.
As Christian stewards we try to manage time wisely and in a balanced way.
And we give our time gladly to family and friends, to strangers, to the community, the church, and to ourselves.
Our Abilities
We’ve each received from God distinctive gifts and talents.
How we develop and use these talents is a matter of stewardship.
Will we invest our abilities as God intended, or will we hide them?
As stewards, we acknowledge the gifts we have without apology.
We develop them further, practicing new skills and putting our talents to work in ministry.
Our Resources
We may think that our financial resources are our own. But when we recall
that the time, the energy, the good health, and the opportunities for employment
behind these dollars are all gifts from God,
we see that the funds belong to God too.
We are the stewards; God is the owner. So questions about what we earn, how we earn it,
how we save, spend, and give it away, are all questions of Christian stewardship.
We are grateful for all the ways these gifts are brought together
to make a real difference in the lives of people here in Asheville and around the world.