Step 1 of 5 20% FOR SERVING IN MINISTRY FEBRUARY 2025 THROUGH JANUARY 2026We encourage you to volunteer in at least 1 ministry to SERVE OUR CHURCH and 1 ministry to SERVE OUR COMMUNITY.* Please enter your NAME # when marking your Commitment to serve in a Ministry area. Even if you currently are serving in a Ministry area and PLAN TO CONTINUE , please indicate that by signing up for this NEW YEAR OF MINISTRY!NamePhoneEmail* Address Street Address City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code (91) SMALL GROUP MINISTRY(91) SMALL GROUP MINISTRY: 02. LEAD / TEACH SMALL GROUPS: short-term/ongoing studies (such as Bible topics/books, spiritual development, etc.); varied days/times (92) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY(92) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: 02. 9:00 a.m. Service SUNDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH / 5&6th SUNDAY SCHOOL - LEADER/HELPER Lead/assist with Children’s Church; lesson and materials are provided; rotating schedule 03. 11:00 a.m. Service SUNDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH / 5&6th SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADER/HELPER: Lead/assist with Children’s Church; lesson and materials are provided; rotating schedule 04. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS): Crew leader for groups of 5-7 children or help at stations. All hands on deck for this event for 125+ children during 1 week in the summer 05. SPECIAL EVENTS DECORATING: Help decorate for seasonal special events such as Easter, VBS, Fall and/or work at the different activity areas; various times. 06. MARIAN KING CHILDREN’S LIBRARY CART: Record books checked out & books returned; file cards; rotating schedule. 07. 9:00 a.m. Service NURSERY: Assist paid nursery workers with care of infants and/or toddlers; Sunday and other times; rotating schedule. 08. 11:00 a.m. Service NURSERY: Assist paid nursery workers with care of infants and/or toddlers; Sunday and other times; rotating schedule. 09. SUNDAY P.M. PB&J CLUB: Assist with children ages 4 years-5th grade; rotating schedule. (93) YOUTH MINISTRY(93) YOUTH MINISTRY: 03. P.M. YOUTH GROUP ASSISTANT (7th-12th GRADE): Lead small group breakout times & assist Youth Director with activities; rotating schedule. 04. P.M. YOUTH GROUP ASSISTANT (7th-12th GRADE): Lead small group breakout times & assist Youth Director with activities; rotating schedule. 05. CHAPERONE YOUTH EVENTS (7TH - 12TH GRADE): Assist Youth Director with and/or attend trips, retreats, & activities outside of church; various times. ( 94 ) CONGREGATIONAL CARE MINISTRY(94) CONGREGATIONAL CARE MINISTRY: 01. LOVING CARE: Provide meals when members are in need or food for a memorial service reception; provide transportation to doctor appointments for members if necessary. This ministry requires many volunteers on a rotating basis, as needed. 02. COLLEGE STUDENT CARE: Gather, provide, and prepare for shipping snacks and warm wishes to our college students during exams; 2 times per year. 03. KEEP IN TOUCH: Make contact with members who are homebound through mail, telephone, and/or home visits; various times. 04. GREETING CARDS: Send get-well, thinking of you, and sympathy cards to our church family; supplies provided; 1 month commitment ( 95 ) PRAYER / SPIRITUAL FORMATION MINISTRY(95) PRAYER / SPIRITUAL FORMATION MINISTRY:PRAYER CHAIN: From home or work, alone or in a group, pray for specific requests received by Prayer Chain Facilitator as needed. Receive prayer requests by: 01. Prayer Phone Call (list phone number on front page) 02. Prayer Email (list email address on front page) 03. Prayer Text Message (list cell phone number on front page) 05. SPIRITUAL FORMATION EVENTS: Help with creating the space and volunteer to help with spiritual formation events, such as create stations, set up stations, act as a host; various times. ( 96) MISSIONS MINISTRY(96) MISSIONS MINISTRY: 01. MISSIONS COMMITTEE MEMBER: Select & plan missions to be supported through our Missions; monthly. 02. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEER: Help construct homes for families in need. Some physical labor involved but no skills or experience necessary. Minimum age 16 on construction site, with parent’s consent needed for 16 & 17 yr olds; various times. 04. ABCCM COOK / SERVER: Feed the homeless at Veteran’s Restoration Quarters and/or Transformation Village. Cook sloppy joes (ingredients provided) and/or serve the meal; once a month, not every month. 06. Youth Participant - YOUTH MISSION TRIP: YOUTH PARTICIPANT (rising 9 th -12 th graders): Travel to work with people to clean, landscape, paint, & assist with smaller construction projects. 1 week in summer 07. Adult Chaperone - YOUTH MISSION TRIP: ADULT CHAPERONE: Drive van, participate in WNC missions, & oversee youth work; 1 week in summer 08. BRIDGES 2.0 READING ENRICHMENT PROGRAM@ SWANNANOA: Monday and/or Wednesdays; 2 hours 10. BLOOD DRIVE HELPER: Help signing up donors in advance of SUMC blood drive and/or assist at blood drive (check donors in, provide snacks, etc.) with friendliness and a sympathetic ear; various times. 12. BRIDGES READING ENRICHMENT PROGRAM @ SUMC: Help with reading, enrichment, snack, or recess; Tuesday and Thursday; 1 hour 13. COMMUNITY GARDEN: Help grow food in a faith-based garden to support our community by planting, weeding, & cultivating vegetables & flowers in our garden behind the church parking lot; various times. 14. THE BLESSING BOX: Access supplies in Havener pantry to restock Blessing Box on campus; 1 morning weekly, sub as needed 15. MANNA FOOD DISTRIBUTION PARTNER: Once a month, 2.5 hour shift with a team from SUMC to distribute food to neighbors in need. (96) Speak Spanish?15. This certainly is not required but is a valuable skill we could use, if you do! Help us Love our neighbors. Yes No ( 97 ) TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY(97) TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: 01. BUS DRIVER: No special license needed. Safe, courteous, & efficient drivers needed for various activities; rotating schedule; may trade dates with drivers as needed. 02. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: No special license needed; must be SUMC member. Drive bus to maintenance facility for repair/inspection; as needed. ( 98 ) HOSPITALITY MINISTRY(98) HOSPITALITY MINISTRY:CHOW MEAL SUPPORT: Assist with any of the following: set up chairs & tables anytime between 1:00-5:00 p.m., staff check-in station, serve meal, clean up kitchen; Wednesday, rotating schedule. 01. CHOW Setup 02. CHOW Check-in 03. CHOW Serving 04. CHOW Kitchen clean up 05. HOSPITALITY EVENTS: Help with annual church-wide picnic, refreshments for celebrations, Christmas social, & other smaller events; may include setup, cooking, serving, linens, etc.; various times. 06. KITCHEN: Help keep kitchen tidy, order consumables, launder towels, clean appliances; flexible times. 07. 9:00 A.M. Service - GREETER at WELCOME DESK: Arrive 25 minutes before worship service ready to greet everyone with a smile at main entrance desk; be attentive to new people & welcome them with gift bag; Sunday, rotating schedule. 08. 11:00 A.M. Service - GREETER at WELCOME DESK: Arrive 25 minutes before worship service ready to greet everyone with a smile at main entrance desk; be attentive to new people & welcome them with gift bag; Sunday, rotating schedule. 09. 8:30 A.M. SETUP - SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE: Set up coffee stations with supplies and brew coffee around 8:30 a.m.; clean up station at 11:00 a.m. or after 11am service; return cups to kitchen; clean coffee dispensers; rotating schedule. 10. 11:00 A.M. CLEAN UP - SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE: Set up coffee stations with supplies and brew coffee around 8:30 a.m.; clean up station at 11:00 a.m. or after 11am service; return cups to kitchen; clean coffee dispensers; rotating schedule. 11. WELCOME BAGS: Assemble and maintain supply gift bags for 1st-time visitors; various times. OFFICE MINISTRY / TECHNOLOGY(99) OFFICE MINISTRY / TECHNOLOGY:OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Rotating schedule, a set day every week, or as needed. 01. RECEPTIONIST 02. SPECIAL PROJECTS 04. SANCTUARY - LIVESTREAM & AUDIO/VISUAL OPERATOR: Operate livestream and A/V equipment during 11am Sunday service and other services/events; training provided; rotating schedule, and as needed. 05. FELLOWSHIP HALL - AUDIO/VISUAL SYSTEM OPERATOR: Operate A/V equipment in the Fellowship Hall during 9am Sunday service and other services/events; training provided; rotating schedule, and as needed. 07. COMMUNICATIONS TEAM: All you need is a passion for how we reach our church family & members of our community. All levels of expertise and ideas welcome; meets bi-monthly 08. PHOTOGRAPHER: Photograph church events and activities. Share them with our Communications Team for distribution to our church family and outreach to our community; various times. ( 10 ) WORSHIP MINISTRY(10) WORSHIP MINISTRY: 01. COMMUNION PREPARATION: Prior to communion Sunday, purchase bread and juice, prepare elements for 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. communion, clean and store communion utensils, launder used linens and return them to storage; attend Worship Committee meeting twice a year; serve monthly on rotating schedule. 03. SANCTUARY CARE: Before Sunday - straighten hymnals & replenish offering envelopes, welcome cards, pencils, etc.; monthly, rotating schedule. 04. SPECIAL DECORATIONS: Help decorate church for Christmas, Easter, special services or events, etc.; also take down & repack decorations; help create special visual designs for colonnade or worship spaces; various times. 05. 9:00 A.M. SERVICE - USHER: Arrive 15 minutes before worship service to welcome attendees, distribute bulletins, assist people with seating, collect the offering, etc.; May include setting up chairs before service. Sunday, rotating schedule. 06. 11:00 A.M. SERVICE - USHER: Arrive 15 minutes before worship service to welcome attendees, distribute bulletins, assist people with seating, collect the offering, etc.; Sunday, rotating schedule. 10. 9:00 A.M. SERVICE - COMMUNION SERVER: Assist Pastor in serving juice or bread on Communion Sunday; 1st Sunday, rotating schedule. 11. 11:00 A.M. SERVICE - COMMUNION SERVER: Assist Pastor in serving juice or bread on Communion Sunday; 1st Sunday, rotating schedule. 14. LAY READER: Read pre-selected liturgy and/or scripture during worship service; Sunday, rotating schedule. 15. USHERS COORDINATOR: Create schedules & distribute in January to ushers for each Sunday worship service (9:00 & 11:00 a.m.); attend Worship Committee meeting twice a year; ongoing. 16. WORSHIP COMMITTEE: Help facilitate all aspects of Sunday worship services and special services (behind the scenes, organizational, hands-on); meet as needed. ( 12 ) MUSIC MINISTRY(12) MUSIC MINISTRY: 01. CHANCEL CHOIR MEMBER - 11:00 A.M. SERVICE: Attend scheduled rehearsals; sing for worship and seasonal events. 02. INSTRUMENTALIST: Solos, ensembles, special services as needed; all skill levels welcome. 03. SINGER - WORSHIP TEAM - 9:00 A.M. SERVICE: SINGER: Attend rehearsals, sing & assist in leading Sunday service & special concerts; does not have to be every week. 04. MUSICIAN - WORSHIP TEAM - 9:00 A.M. SERVICE: MUSICIAN: Attend weekly rehearsals, accompany & assist leading Sunday service & special concerts. Does not have to be every week; flexible, weekly schedule. 05. ADULT/YOUTH HANDBELL RINGER: Attend weekly rehearsals; play for worship and concerts. 07. CHILDREN CHIME RINGER (K - 6 TH GRADE): Various singing and ringing opportunities throughout the year. ( 13 ) OTHER MINISTRIES(13) OTHER MINISTRIES: 01. FACILITY MAINTENANCE TEAM SKILLS: Assist Trustees with electrical, plumbing, painting, landscaping, cleanup & repairs on campus; as needed. 02. UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH (UWF): Working to improve the lives of youth, women, and children internationally. With 3 circles to choose from, we are all unique and continue to explore how we can help. Check this box to find out more; monthly and as needed; Learn - Advocate - Support - Commune 03. CARETAKERS OF GOD’S CREATION: Engage with us in sustainable practices as responsible caretakers of our earth & community (locally & globally) and actively participate in projects to care for God’s creation; ongoing. 04. 8:15 A.M. - 10:30 A.M. CAMPUS SAFETY TEAM: Monitor our campus for safety concerns; Sunday morning rotating schedule & special events 05. 10:15 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - CAMPUS SAFETY TEAM: Monitor our campus for safety concerns; Sunday morning rotating schedule & special events 98. HERE I AM, LORD: I want to serve but not sure where. Contact me; any time. 99. OTHER If other, Briefly describe:CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ