Joy Moss
Joy is the Associate Pastor at Skyland and also oversees the Children’s Ministry, Small Groups, and the Missions Committee. She also shares pastoral care duties. One of her passions is connecting the church to the community through our local public school, which she has done with a partnership with Estes Elementary. She is also the liaison between the church and the Around the Son Preschool and is the Chapel Leader for the preschool.
Joy grew up in Butner, outside of the Raleigh/Durham area. After high school, she received degrees in Psychology from Appalachian State and Occupational Therapy at East Carolina. She moved to Asheville in 1994 and started her first career as a pediatric OT at Thom’s Rehab. While she loved OT, she was not content, and her heart kept nudging her to ministry. When God has a plan for you, He works fast because she left OT on a Friday, had an interview and within two weeks she was starting on her path to ministry! She was at Fletcher United Methodist for seven years and while there she received her Master’s in Christian Education and seminary degree. She was ordained as a deacon in 2016. She now feels like she is sailing true north!
Joy is a proud parent to her son, Mark. You’ll find Mark helping Skyland Church with various tasks when he isn’t working. She also cherishes having her Mom now live in the area and participating in our church family. Other family includes her beloved 4-legged, 85 lb boy, Wesley, who enjoys hiking with her and pretending to be a lap dog. In addition to enjoying time with her family and working, other favorite pastimes include time in her home pottery studio, trying new restaurants with friends, kayaking, and traveling. Joy’s other loves include Carolina Basketball, and playing her trumpet on special occasions at church.
Joy’s favorite verse is Romans 8:28
“In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.”