FEBRUARY 13, 2024
- Kyle Addison, Board Chairman, reviewed the history of the single board government model and how it is set to function at Skyland
- There are, within the BOS, 4 working teams that consist of Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, and Ministries/Programs (COM)
- The Nominations Committee will continue to focus on leadership for the coming months
- This working team within the BOS has met frequently in the past few weeks to set and reset policies and procedures for managing accounts.
- The team has reviewed the fundraising policy for the church as well as explored how to move ahead with the work of the Endowment Committee. We expect to have a clearer view of how the Endowment funds will be invested and spent in the next couple of quarters in 2024
COUNCIL ON MINISTRIES (Ministries & Programming)
- We are seeking ways to increase participation among church members at Skyland
- We are exploring new ways of outreach such as an intergenerational mission trip
- This working team has met to begin the work related to Skyland’s personnel
- A pastoral development plan was presented by Joe Tarpley and the former Staff Parish Relations Committee that will constitute specific goals and priorities for the coming year.
- The Personnel Handbook has been reviewed and will be edited over the next 2 quarters of 2024
- There was a discussion of the Bridges Reading Program and how to support their desire for increased staffing based on a recent grant they received
- This working team has reviewed the work of the former Trustees of Skyland and is current with the itinerary of business matters related to all of the church’s capital and real property.
- The Communications Team will publish a summary of the Board’s minutes each time the Board meets
- A fuller transcript of the Board’s minutes will be made available upon request.
- A schedule of town hall meetings will be presented to the entire congregation so that they may attend and be connected with all of the issues the BOS is considering; the congregation will always be able to present thoughts, opinions, suggestions, and criticisms to the BOS. Anyone can attend a BOS meeting and may present items of interest for the Board’s agenda.
For a Full transcript of the February 13, 2024, BOS minutes, please contact Kyle Addison, Board Chairman